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travail d'été | Auteur : youssef | Date : 04-07-2006 14:51
je suis un marocain agés de 22ans je cherche un travail a marrakech au niveau de la restauration.je suis en 1ere année gestion hoteliere.j'ai fait un stage de 4 mois dans un hotel a marrakech(hotel diwane 4****):2mois au restaurant,un moi au cuisine,et un mois a la reception.
TEL:062238680 EMAIL:moulayyoussefraul@hotmail.com
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Re: travail d'été | Auteur : naoufal hassana
( 2091 )
j'aimes bien lke style de votre riyad et je veux bien accepte ma demande de travailler chez votre lien et jai lexperience, jai bac science ex.
voila mon tel:075050131.
mon msn :naoufal20061@hotmail.com
et merci a vous. |
Eri | Auteur : Eri
( 3879 )
Some people might pfeerr staying directly in NYC but the hotels in the city are more expensive plus they will also charge guests for daily parking. Traffic is awful, much worst than most major cities and street parking is very limited plus confusing as there is no parking meters rather some kind of box on the corner, that most likely you will end up taking a combination of the subway and Yellow taxis (independently owned I might add) to get around. I have an older sister (who now lives in Calif) but she lived and worked in NYC after graduating from college and her husband whose parents now live in Fort Lee NJ do the same thing as we and many other tourists DO when visiting NYC, they stay in a good hotel chain in New Jersey and then catch the commuter trains carrying all the workers traveling daily into the Big Apple. This is exactly strategy that tourists do when visiting Washington DC, they stay in hotels in Arlington VA along the Metrorail and then commute into and out of the Nation's Capitol.If possible, shop for a brand name hotel chain that offers free continental breakfast and then you all can eat your hearts out in New York City. Our kids also enjoyed the Statute of Liberty, Empire State Building and believe it or not the Toys R Us in Times Square has a huge indoor ferris wheel! Also SONY has a nice setup for tourists, esp the kids!Enjoy Your Vacation! |
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