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Medoz | Auteur : Medoz | Date : 03-09-2012 01:01
HI Aubrey,Hope Fall is finding you well! I watend to say how thankful I/we are for the most beautiful blog you did for Hunt & Gather. Your pictures speak a thousand words and with this store being my second home I'm very honored to be apart of what your creating! Being inspired by colors, textiles and as you say that Swank is what we hope to instill to our customers by our funtastic pieces!;)Let me know next time your in town, would love to hear some fun stories of your findings! Were hosting a Truck show early December with two of our artist, Melissa Melco a metal jewelry designer and the amazing Dominique Garcia who does the reverse paintings on recycled windows that I'm sure you had seen at the shop. Check out FB for the dates! Regardless I would love to keep in touch! We posted your blog on our Facebook page too! Thanks for keeping the creativity alive and on the go! Sincerely,Cameron BakerDesigner for Hunt & Gather
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