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Isnur | Auteur : Isnur | Date : 07-10-2015 21:03
Hi you'll get a taxi they're painted yelolw from the airport easily.Taxis are very cheap and are very trustworthy.Collective grands taxis are one of the best features of Moroccan transport. They operate on a wide variety of routes, are much quicker than buses (usually quicker than trains, too), and fares are very reasonable. They are also a good way of meeting people and having impromptu Arabic lessons.The taxis are usually big Peugeot or Mercedes cars carrying six passengers (Peugeots are less common but have a slightly less cramped seating arrangement). Most business is along specific routes, and the most popular routes have more or less continuous departures throughout the day. Consequently, you don't have to worry about timetables. You just show up at the terminal (locations are detailed, city by city, in the guide) and ask for a place to a specific destination. As soon as six (or, if you're willing to pay extra, four or five) people are assembled, the taxi sets off. Make sure, however, when asking about grands taxis, that it is clear you only want a place ( une place ) in a collective taxi ( collectif ), as drivers often presume that a tourist will want to charter the whole taxi, which means paying for all six places.Fares for set routes are fixed, and drivers do not usually try to overcharge tourists for a place. My website with all you need to know about Morocco is linked below, but do ask if I can help further, please.Does this help, please?Alun Hill MCIJ, Travel Journalist and Broadcaster
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